SteamPro Conservation
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SteamPro is the only total-service company in this field which utilizes a unique technology to bring about steam and other energy savings by removing and recovering condensate. Using award-winning technology, SteamPro's innovation sets new records in savings, efficiency, safety and longevity. For example, SteamPro's condensate removal solution eliminates the need for steam traps thereby reducing costs.

Steampro differs from other steam trap vendors by being a complete solutions provider for energy conservation rather than merely supplying hardware. In fact, SteamPro’s condensate removal solution eliminates the need for steam traps.

SteamPro's customizable approach means that every solution we provide is unique and tailored to suit the specific and individual needs and circumstances of our customers. As a result, SteamPro can be adapted to most existing situations with virtually no problems.

SteamPro's Condensate Removal Device (CRD) and its internal components are made of 100% stainless steel.  There are no moving parts. This means that there is little or no wear and tear as well as virtually no maintenance costs.

Steam and condensate enter the Steampro CRD where the condensate is first filtered by the strainer. The filtered condensate, pushed out by the steam which enters Steampro's custom-sized Venturi nozzle, is removed immediately, completely, and continuously with minimal steam loss. It is jetted out back into the condensate return pipeline. Any accumulated debris can be flushed out through the blow-off valve.

Unlike conventional steam traps which are usually made of cast iron, Steampro's are made of stainless steel. Because of that and due to their robust design they can withstand much higher pressure and are much more resistant to acid corrosion.

A common misconception is that fixed nozzles allow continuous steam loss. In fact, Steampro’s nozzles are custom-fitted to allow a multi-phase flow which is regulated by the condensate, normally at 30% of its capacity. At this rate and with moderate steam pressure, loss is approximately one-eighth of the steam flow at single-phase flow capacity. In actual practice, some steam loss is allowed in order to discharge non-condensable gasses.

With an operating pressure of 20 bars and below, Steampro has a minimum lifespan of 20 years under moderate pressure. This is at least 8 times that of conventional traps. In extreme cases, conventional traps only last a day.

The Steampro's custom-manufactured Condensate Recovery Unit (CRU) can result in additional savings because of its design. A virtually closed system it makes possible the recovery of up to 98% of condensate with up to 50% fuel savings when the Steampro condensate removal and recovery systems are used in combination.

Water consumption and chemical cost savings can reach 50% resulting in a cleaner environment and helping to reduce global warming.

For countries with limited or scarce water resources, such as Australia and the Middle East, such savings are essential. Steampro's durability also ensures sustainable steam loss savings.